jelli's items

Neomail Kayoree Kayoree's lookup

Items jelli owns

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You can offer on these, but I may not accept a fair trade for one reason or another. I may value some items higher than ~owls based on the ratio and difficulty of finding a replacement.

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1. Seeking Caps/Custom/GBCs (1-2 & sometimes 3 caps)

Feel free to offer Caps. Custom, or GBCs for these. I will usually accept, especially when I'm hungry.

You can also offer wishes for these items!

This list is empty.

2. UFT for Wishes Only

Only available for my wishes.

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UFT for Mystery Cap & GBC & COOKIES (List #2)

You can offer Caps/Custom/GBCs for this list.

Are you offering cookies!? The answer for items on this list will almost always be YES!

I am especially interested in Upcycle, Lab Ray, Faerie Quest, and Training Cookies!

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I may be willing to part with these for the right offer/person. Feel free to offer.

Esta lista está vazia.

Items jelli wants

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~* Priority*~ Mina's Custom

Seeking these for my battle pup! Definitely a priority

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~*Priority Wishes*~

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~*Priority*~ Tandalyn's Custom

Always seeking things on this list!

This list is empty.


I am actively speaking to someone about a trade for these items right now. :D

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(Not in a list)

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