froguin97's items

Neomail froguin_97_ froguin_97_'s lookup

Items froguin97 owns

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0. Welcome to my TL/WL!

Last updated: April 7 2024

If you're in the r/neopets discord server, find me there! My username is Luminalis :)

I use /~Owls and offering:seeking ratios for values. There are a lot of owls values I disagree with due to the DTI ratios. The owls team is amazing, but a lot of values are lagging behind or inflated due to lack of trade data. In those cases, I will absolutely differ from the owls value.

If you see something not in my 2:1 list that you have seen in other 2:1 lists, feel free to ask about a 2:1!

I can offer a custom on items valued at ~10 as long as it isn't too box heavy as I am perpetually low on boxes ;u;

P.S. thank you to all the incredibly kind and lovely folks who have sent me gifts! I have to show them off somewhere since they make me smile! :)
And no, these aren't UFT! just here to look pretty~

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001. HTPW (not accepting GBCs)

Pretty stuff that I like and may be a little reluctant to trade
However, everything here is actually up for trade and you're more than welcome to offer on it, I might be a little pickier when it comes to trading these items though! I'm not asking for an over-offer, but I'll only trade this stuff for my 'actively seeking' wishes, not my casual wishes or GBCs

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1. Backgrounds

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2. Foregrounds, Garlands, and Trinkets

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3. Wigs, Makeup, & Accessories

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4. Clothing

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6. On a Side Account

These items are on various side accounts and may or may not have boxes available. My side accounts are all linked on my UL: froguin_97, froguin97_, froguin97, and froguin9_7 These items will come from one of those four accounts unless I have a duplicate on my main :)

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7. 2:1 sale

Any 2 items for 1 gbc (pls, I'm perpetually low on boxes)

Can also do 3/4:1 for a bfgbc, 1:1 FQC, or 1:1 item from your own 2:1 list

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999. Reserved for a Trade

Items here are reserved for a trade in progress so I don't forget! If you see an item here and in a different list at the same time, that means I have a duplicate.

on hold for _

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Items froguin97 wants

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Pending trades! From a glitch, delay, or the world exploding next week

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1.5 Priority for friends

2. Hoping to find in a 2:1

Looking to get these items as 2:1 for a GBC/mystery cap or 1:1 FQC/dyepot
I put things here that I've seen in other people's 2:1 lists, items that have fewer than 5 people looking for them, or items that have about a 1:100 ratio on DTI
I know a couple of items here are valued higher than 1 (like intricate silver choker) but I disagree with that value due to the DTI ratio. I'm always happy to negotiate though, I don't bite :P
I may not always be able to offer GBCs for these items so apologies if I turn down a trade offer :(

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