Millena's items

Neomail millena2971998 millena2971998's lookup

Items Millena owns

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Feel free to leave me a neomail if you're interested in a trade (millena2971998).

Nostalgic Royalboy Moehog
Nostalgic Grey Kyrii
Prismatic Cocoa: Festive Christmas Wocky
Coconut jubjub

Non-weareable items:
7th Birthday Cake Slice #3
8th Birthday Tied with a Bow Cupcake
Candy Hearts Valentine Goodie Bag
Neopets 19th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
Neopets 21st Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
Love Letters Valentine Goodie Bag
Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
Romantic Roses Valentine Goodie Bag
Neopets 25th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
Candy Vampire Goodie Bag
Jowlard Goodie Bag
Polar Trousers Goodie Bag
Vandagyre Goodie Bag

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Items on my main

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Items Millena wants

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