Liato's items

Neomail toothless_57 toothless_57's lookup

Items Liato owns

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0. Intro

Updated March 2025

I look at ~Owls and DTI ratios for values.

Feel free to send me a neomail if you'd like to trade!


Tokens UFT - Values are my own and are flexible c:

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1. 2:1 GBC/4:1 BF GBC

2:1 GBC, 1:1 cookie/dyepot/small wish; 3:1 BF GBC.

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2. 1 GBC/2:1 BF GBC

Everything here is UFT for 1 GBC/cap/cookie/small wish or 2:1 BF GBC.

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3. Regular UFT

I prefer item:item trades, but I’ll consider GBCs/Cookies/Dyepots/Custom offers - especially if I have a board up seeking them!

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4. Dyeworks

I prefer to trade my spare DWs for priority wishes only. Thank you for understanding :) I’m more likely to trade for other wishes if I have more than one spare.
9 = HTPW

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Items Liato wants

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0. Dreams ;-;

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0.5 Current NC Mall & RR Wishes

1. High Priority Wishlist

Things I'm actively seeking right now and HTF items I really want.

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2. Side Wishlist

Numbers are for my own reference - they do not represent quantity/value.

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3. Medium Priority Wishlist

Might have an idea for a custom for these...casually seeking.

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4. Low Priority Wishlist

Very casually seeking these.

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5.1 Earrings

I’m collecting them okay.

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Neopoint Wishlist

Gallery Wishlist
Also, as a reminder to myself:
Royal PB
Woodland PB

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