eunoiad's items

Neomail _caviabriar_ _caviabriar_'s lookup

Items eunoiad owns

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A. UFT - Item trades please

There may be 1 cap items here to show they aren't part of the 3:2 sales I often offer below.

Item trades much preferred for this section, so full GBC offers don't hurt but may be declined.

If I don't answer your mail within 24 hours, I didn't receive it.

This list is empty.

B. 1 Cap

Always accepting a GBC or wishlist item for this section. Would like a Hue Brew Potion even more than a GBC. Will happily accept an Upcycle cookie if I have boxes.

Esta lista está vazia.

D. 3:2

Any 3 for 2 GBC, Upcycle, or dyepot, or combination thereof.

This list is empty.

E. Reserved for in progress trades

This list is empty.

Items eunoiad wants

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A. Actually Kind Of Want

Offering TL and may add custom within reason for any item found in this section.

This list is empty.

B. I barely want these

Cute items, but am not technically seeking.

I try to put new custom here to ease trading.

Feel free to offer anything here in fair item/s:item/s trade; I will almost always accept.

Not offering GBCs or custom, but you can let me know if you have them 2:1 or discounted.

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C. Trades in progress

This list is empty.