sea's items

Neomail seafoam__green seafoam__green's lookup

Items sea owns

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1: General Trading Notes

Mostly looking for the items on my wishlist, but always open to offers!

On the /r/neopets Discord? Feel free to message! My display name is Sea | seafoam__green

Quick Links:
JellyNeo NP wishlist | Main Trade List | Sale Section | NC Wishlist

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3a: Dyeworks Lendables

Original items for permanent or seasonal Dyeworks are up for lending for a small wish, cookie, or dyepot.

Please check on the availability of seasonal items first, as they may not be possible with current Dyeworks offerings.

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3b: Seasonal Dyeworks Lendables

Please check the current Dyeworks options, as these may not be available! The originals are not up for trade.

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4: UFT on Main Account

All numbers are quantities. Generally, more interested in item-to-item trades if the value is 2+.
If it's in this section and my closet, I am trading a spare!

I'm open to 2:1 on certain buyables or less-popular items that I have multiples of :) just ask!
This doesn't apply to popular buyables like Be-Gone.
Jump to my sale section

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4a. Pending

I recently offered these items for trade and am waiting on a response. May still be for trade if the original trade doesn't go through!

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5. Sale Section (3-2-1:1)

3 items for 1 BFGBC
2 items for 1 GBC
1 item for a dyepot, cookie, or small wish

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Closet (Actively Worn)

Literally being worn by my pets; not likely to trade, but listing just in case.

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Closet (In Storage)

Potentially tradeable, but much harder to part with.

Any NP items here are for my own record and not traded for NC :)

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Items sea wants

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1: High Priority

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2: Medium Priority

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3: PB Clothing

I will also need to borrow an Elderlyboy Aisha to transfer the shirt :(

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4: Spares Wanted

ZZ: Would love to have... when it's HTML5-compatible

I have many items I like in this list, but if it's not HTML5-compatible, I'm not interested at this time. Many items were added before animation was brought back, and I'll hold out until those items are converted.

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ZZZ: Most casual

I just think they're pretty :) No outfits planned, so these are the absolutely lowest priority.

Not offering custom, GBC, or HTPW for items in this list,
but they could be included as filler for other offers.

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Dress to Impress
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