neogrl's items

Neomail implodingnow implodingnow's lookup

Items neogrl owns

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0. Hello!

♡ Feel free to nm me if you're interested in trading! ♡

Tokens UFT:
Royalgirl Cybunny
Faerie Wocky
Sponge Aisha
Baby Aisha
Faerie Cybunny
Anniversary Acara
Faerie Aisha
Baby Zafara
Plushie Kacheek
Tyrannian Acara
Robot Cybunny
Prismatic Purple: Faerie Aisha

Not really seeking any tokens at this time, mainly looking for wishes/custom for mine! c:

This list is empty.

1. Highlights

♡ Not HTPW ♡

This list is empty.

3. Backgrounds UFT

This list is empty.

4. Higher/Lower Foregrounds UFT

This list is empty.

5. Clothing UFT

This list is empty.

6. Wigs/Hats UFT

This list is empty.

7. Et cetera UFT

This list is empty.

8. Side Items UFT

May need boxes...numbers are for my reference!

2: pineapplebby

3: summerhaze

4: stripthelayers

5: ne0grl

This list is empty.

Items neogrl wants

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2. Wishes

Less of a priority but still want these fairly soon!

This list is empty.

4. NP Wishes

This list is empty.