Pacneo23's items

Neomail paco_39 paco_39's lookup

Items Pacneo23 owns

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Items UFT.

-GBCs: 3

-BF GBCs: 0

-Boxes: 6

-Dyepots: 0

-Faerie Quest Cookies: 7

Number = Quantity

This list is empty.

My Neopets are wearing (NC).

These are the Neocash items my Neopets are wearing (Not UFT).

-This list is for personal reference.

This list is empty.

My Neopets are wearing (NP).

These are the Neopoint Items my Neopets are wearing (Not UFT).

-This list does not contain Paint Brush Clothes.

-This list is for personal reference.

This list is empty.

Never ever UFT. NEVER!!!

Finally have this Background!!!

This list is empty.

Items Pacneo23 wants

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