JPlankster's items

Neomail juju3892 juju3892's lookup

Items JPlankster owns

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0. Reserved / Trades Pending

Last updated 11.1.2023.

Numbers throughout my TL are quantities I own.

This list is empty.

1a. Closet [Main]

Extremely HTPW. Most of these items are actively in use.

This list is empty.

1b. Closet [Side]

HTPW. Most of these items are actively in use on a side, part of seasonal rotating closet, or I’m just attached to. :3

This list is empty.

2. Dyeworks

This list is empty.

3. Baby | Mutant | Maraquan

This list is empty.

4a. [~1-2]

This list is empty.

4g. Buyable (3:1)

This list is empty.

Items JPlankster wants

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0. Pending

This list is empty.

2. Medium Priority

3. Low Priority

This list is empty.

4. Pretties

This list is empty.

(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.
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