cutiegelert's items

Neomail cutiegelert cutiegelert's lookup

Items cutiegelert owns

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★★ 00. info ★★

feel free to neomail me with offers, inquiries, or anything else! I use OWLs for value but am open to working out a deal & I won't be upset if you shoot your shot :)

This list is empty.

★★ 02. general tradelist (1-2 GBCs) ★★

This list is empty.

Items cutiegelert wants

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★★ 01. high priority wishlist ★★

things I need for current customs

This list is empty.

★★ 02. low priority wishlist ★★

things I need for future customs

This list is empty.

★★ 03. sparklies ★★

things I don't need but am convinced I need

This list is empty.

★★ 04. casual wishes ★★

I want them but don't need them... yet

This list is empty.