dragonlord248's items

Neomail dragonlord812 dragonlord812's lookup

Items dragonlord248 owns

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Dyeworks Up For Trade

These are all the Dyeworks items that I have that I'm willing to trade. I'm generally going to go by Owls values, unless you are willing to do multiple item trades for stuff I want. Also, if you have a lower value item that I really want, then I'll probably make that trade as well. I'm a fairly generous person, so please do not hesitate to ask.

This list is empty.

Other NC Items

I might be willing to trade anything on this list, depending on what I'm offered. I'm generally going to go by Owls values, unless you are willing to do multiple item trades for stuff I want. Also, if you have a lower value item that I really want, then I'll probably make that trade as well. I'm a fairly generous person, so please do not hesitate to ask.

This list is empty.

These Are NP Items

These are just all the neopoint wearables in my closet.

This list is empty.

Items dragonlord248 wants

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(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.