NatalieGraham's items

Neomail rangersno1natz rangersno1natz's lookup

Items NatalieGraham owns

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#Please read

Hey! I’m Nat. I have 1x Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies to trade for any of my wishes valued at 6-7 thank you

  • I don’t have cookies or dyepots to trade

*I’m always looking for custom but not for my highlights/HTPW

*Unless I offer GBC/BF GBC I will only be trading these for 2:1/3:1/4:1 etc

THANKS! Neomails welcome :)

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#SALE! 2:1/3:1

Any 2 items for 1 GBC. 3:1 for BFGBC's

Money Tree Cupcake Money Tree Mystery Capsule X1

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Foregrounds/Background items

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Items NatalieGraham wants

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Items I would like to own

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NP items I'd like to own

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