rugrat0ne's items

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Items rugrat0ne owns

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0001 - The blah blah

If you can see it, it's for trade. No HTPW, No Closet Untradeables. Things with numbers are amount of GBCs according to Owls/Upstairs, just add a dash in the middle. Items with no number are items that haven't settled on a value yet, or I've been too lazy to look up on a board. Price checks always available, I don't go through the values often.

Updated 12/13/24

I also am willing to take GBCs/BFGBCs and even some custom/caps if you have nothing else to trade!

Also available:
1 Lab Ray Fortune Cookie
1 Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie
1 Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion
7 MME Retired Mystery Capsules
5 Money Tree Cupcakes
Spyder Mechanical Negg
Sound The Alarm Mechanical Negg
Rainbow Ray Mechanical Negg

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0002 - Timely Trades - Items of the Season

No special deals, just highlighting appropriate items!

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0003 - Up For Trade - 2:1

Trading 2:1 for GBCs or items, 4:1 for BFGBCs

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001 - Up For Trade - Backgrounds

This list is empty.

002 - Up For Trade - Background & Foreground Items

This list is empty.

004 - Up For Trade - Clothing

This list is empty.

005 - Up For Trade - Wigs and Hats

This list is empty.

Trade Limbo - outgoing

Items that are mid-trade or pre-traded for, for whatever reason

This list is empty.

Items rugrat0ne wants

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2 - Regular Priority Wishes

Things I'm likely to trade for (I accidentally deleted this list a bit ago, still rebuilding it)

This list is empty.

3 - Lower Priority Wishes

Trade Limbo - incoming

Items that are mid-trade or pre-traded for, for whatever reason

This list is empty.