Eloain's items

Neomail blary blary's lookup

Items Eloain owns

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Hi! This is my TL. The list may be outdated.
❥ I only add my duplicates to the list; I have more items in my closet, so if you have my high or dream priorities, please send me your WL ;)
❥ I’m more active during the weekends. My time zone is GMT-4.
❥ If you include me in your mass trade emails, please let me know if you’ve already found a trade ^^

Last updated: November, 2024

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I use ~Owls for reference

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4.Sale (2:1)

Everything here is 2:1 for 1 GBC or 1:1 for a FQC/Dye pot ^^

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5.UFT side

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Items Eloain wants

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1. Dream wishes

Pops or items that are a little too expensive for me right now. Most of these, I’m just waiting for them to be re-released.
It’s more likely I’ll trade for those with 99.
I can offer TL, custom, SSS, DSSS, FQC, archive and lab cookies or BFGBC for this list.
77 - Pending trade
99 - Highest priority

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2. High Priority Wishes

Items I’m looking for to complete customizations.
This list tends to rotate with the others if I didn’t get the item in time.
I can offer TL, custom, SSS, DSSS, FQC, archive and lab cookies or BFGBC for this list.
77 - Pending trade
88 - Duplicates I’m looking for
99 - Highest priority

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