mermaidlora's items

Neomail deputypeach deputypeach's lookup

Items mermaidlora owns

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0.~ Hello! :)

Welcome! Please read my notes on each trade section to make it easier for us both~

My name is Riley. I will only initiate trades from my main account, deputypeach. I have 3 side accounts, glitteredup, softsparkle, & mermaidlora (hence the name of my DTI account) which was previously my main before switching over completely. I will never contact you any other accounts - please inform me & TNT immediately if anyone is claiming to be me re: trading or for any other reason.

I use Owls as a general guide, but I occasionally disagree with the guides from time to time.

My tokens/unwearables are here:

~Don't forget to check all of the Key Quest Tokens in the NC mall - may of them contain wearables that are popular or otherwise HTF, and you just might be able to find some dream items that way! :)

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Numbers here indicate how many of each item there are.

I'll also trade anything here pink paper bags or dye pots 1:1.

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Trade List - Accessories & Handhelds

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Trade list - Backgrounds/Background items

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Trade list - Clothing, Costumes, & Shoes

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Trade list - Garlands & Foregrounds

This list is empty.

Trade list - Makeup, Markings, Headpieces, & Contacts

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Items mermaidlora wants

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1st Priority Wishes

I will always offer custom, old caps, and gbcs for these. My highlights section is open for some as well!

8 means I have a trade pending for this item. 7 means I need this item to get me something else on this list I really want!

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Friends Wishlists

If you have something on this list, please let me know, regardless of if I have something you want - we have a guild of wishlists combine in order to source everyone's wishes and also sometimes I just trade for my friend's wishes outright.

Items marked 7 are highest priority!

This section is currently being reworked

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Wishlist - NC Unwearables

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