purplemilanda's items

Neomail purplemilanda purplemilanda's lookup

Items purplemilanda owns

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last update:
oct 2023

inbox is always open, but i may be on hiatus. please confirm the last update corresponds to the current date to ensure a speedy response


if you see the same item on multiple lists, it means that i have duplicates i am happy to trade.

if i have a wish of yours, please link me your tradelist; i have a hidden, non-priority wishlist that is quite extensive! more often than not, we will be able to work something out.

i will ONLY contact you through purplemilanda. i will ONLY advertise on the boards via purplemilanda. however, my items are spread around my side accounts. you will ONLY receive items from one of the following accounts:

Do NOT trade with any other username that claims to be me.

available custom: 0
available boxes: ~20
available gbcs: none!

88 indicates reserved!

This list is empty.

regular tradelist { main }

these items are all uft. numbers indicates quantity, or account.

20 = afiire 30 = deboneir

This list is empty.

regular tradelist { side }

these items are all uft. number indicates quantity. these are on my side account, which means it doesn't always have boxes

This list is empty.

Items purplemilanda wants

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