youthfulcherries's items

Neomail youhtfulcherries youhtfulcherries's lookup

Items youthfulcherries owns

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( ~ hi hello hey ~ )

(yes, my neo user is actually misspelled lmao)

i have been out of the NC trading game for a couple years, so please bear with me!
my last full update was back in oct 2022, but i have been working on updating my TL/WLs again (as of feb 2025)

my TLs (should) have accurate items and quantities, but i haven't updated the sorting of them between my lists in quite some time. there may be some items that i'm using more often these days and therefore might be more hesitant to trade. i do have a separate hidden closet, but there's probably some items still in my TLs that i haven't moved into my hidden closet yet.

my WLs are all items i do not yet have, but im still combing through to update my actual wishes/priorities at the current time. there might be things i don't have as strong a desire for anymore, or things i do want that haven't been added/bumped up the priority list yet.

regardless, please don't hesitate to shoot me a neomail and ask!
and if i don't answer, please neomail again!

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0.1 Grams and Caps UFT

The items in this category are from grams I have available to trade!

Current grams I have UFT:
Let Love Grow Sweetheart Gram x 2

Current non-GBC mystery capsules I have UFT:

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1. Regular UFT

I'm usually happy to browse your UFT lists for this section!
I will also trade for your GBC/cookies/caps/grams packs for most items, and many for 2:1 - feel free to ask!

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2. Stuff I use, but am not super attached to

This stuff is UFT, but I either use it occasionally, or it's a slightly nicer item.
I may be slightly pickier with these items or prefer to trade them for items/wishes instead of GBC/archive cookies - feel free to ask though!

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This list is a bit of a spectrum, and includes closet items I'm not currently using, items I use occasionally, things I like but haven't found use for yet, highlight/popular items, and things I'm simply weirdly attached to.

I will likely only trade most of these items if the trade involves high/highest priority items (lists 1, 2, and 3), unless I offer them to you. I have varying amounts of attachment to the items on this list though, so it never hurts to ask!

I have a separate, private closet hidden. On rare occasions, I may offer you items from it for high priority items.

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4. Generous Gifts I've Received

Items youthfulcherries wants

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1. Popular Wishes (varying levels of priority)

These are items that seem to be more popular/valuable, though where they fall on my priority list varies. I am in the process of organizing my wishlists (as of Mar 2025), but items on this list should also be added to one of my other wishlists (lists 2 to 7) for my own reference of wishes. This list is mostly for my own memory/reference to keep high value wishes together. For this section only, number values refer to owls value at time of listing, again just for my own reference!

When trading for items on this list, I will often consider items from my H+VHTPW list and potentially my hidden closet. This will depend on how high of a priority the wishlist item is for me, but feel free to shoot me a neomail!

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2. Highest Priority Wishes

These are items that are either important for planned customs, are substitutes for high-value items I'm still needing, or are upgrades of current items I'm using in customs.

I am (usually) actively seeking out/trading for, when I'm not on hiatus from neopets. Depending on the personal+owls value of the items, I will consider trading items from my H+VHTPW list for these. However, I tend to reserve my higher box value H/VHPTW items for higher box value wishlist items. If you are curious, please feel free to shoot me a neomail!

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3. Higher Priority Wishes

These are items that have a planned spot in a custom in progress, but are less vital overall than other higher priority items. Or, important items for a custom on a pet that hasn't been started yet.

I am open for offers for trades on this list, and depending on the personal+owls value of the items, I may consider trading items from my HPTW/VHTPW list for these.

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4. Mid Priority Wishes

5. Average Priority Wishes

This list includes things I want to play around with but haven't found a specific custom for yet, alternatives for higher priority items, or items I don't want to get lost in the abyss of my low priority list.

I am open for offers for trades on this list, but my eagerness to trade may vary based on my attachment to the items I'd be parting with - please ask if you're curious!

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6. Stuff I Like + Lower Priority Wishes

This list is sort of a catch all list! I am currently organizing this list (as of Mar 2025) and some items may end up on higher priority lists when I am done!

It ranges from items I want to save for future reference, to alternatives for higher priority items, to high value items I lust over, to items I'm thinking of using in a custom but haven't planned much for yet.

I am always open to offers! I may pass if I'm just not actively wanting it at the moment, as the items vary in priority, but it never hurts to ask!

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7. Gallery Wishes

I might do some casual trades for these, but generally this list is just for my own reference, and the items here are low priority.

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