youthfulcherries's items

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Items youthfulcherries owns

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( ~ hi hello hey ~ )

(yes, my neo user is actually misspelled lmao)

UFT items up to date but list organization is under construction

i started updating my DTI closets in dec 2024, but my last full update was back in oct 2022
feel free to nm! however, please note i haven't been actively trading in quite some time, nor have i updated by WLs in a while~!

Also seeking any Dyeworks Retired Rerelase Capsules for UFT Lists 1 + 2

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1. Regular UFT

I'm usually happy to browse TL for this section!

I will also trade for GBC/cookies/caps/WC packs for most items.

I'll do a 2:1 GBC/cookie/cap with many of these items, feel free to ask!

55/66/77/88/99 are all for personal reference of which account its on, all other numbers are quantity. (eg. 288 means I have 2, 499 means I have 4. If there's a ton of numbers, it just means they're on multiple accounts).

Items marked 66 and 88 are on sides with no boxes, so GBC must be involved in trades with these items. Items marked 77 are on a side with only 1 box left.

Esta lista está vazia.

2. Stuff I use, but am not super attached to

This stuff is UFT, but I either use it time to time, or it's a slightly nicer item. I just may be slightly pickier with these items and prefer to trade them for items or wishes instead of GBC. I may trade some of these items for archive cookies, just ask!

Items marked 66 and 88 are on sides with no boxes, so GBC must be involved in trades with these items. Items marked 77 are on a side with only 1 box left.

This list is empty.


This list includes closet items I'm not currently using, items I use occasionally, things I like but haven't found use for yet, highlight items, or things I'm simply weirdly attached to.

I will likely only trade most of these items if the trade involves high/highest priority items (lists 1 & 2), unless I offer them to you. I have varying amounts of attachment to ithe tems on this list though, so it never hurts to ask! The worst I can do is say no :)

I have a separate, private closet hidden.

Items marked 66 and 88 are on a side with no boxes, so GBC must be involved in trades with these items. Items marked 77 are on a side with only 1 box left.

This list is empty.

4. Generous Gifts I've Received

Items youthfulcherries wants

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1. Highest Priority Wishes

GBCs, all UFT lists, or customs available.

Dreamie items for planned customs currently in progress

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2. High Priority Wishes

GBCs, all UFT lists, or customs available.

Either substitutes/backups for highest priority wishes, or needed for planned customs.

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3. Average-High Priority Wishes

GBCs, UFT lists 1+2, or customs available. May potentially also trade these for items off UFT list 3/HTPW, depending on the items.

Items that have a planned spot in a custom in progress, but are less vital overall than other higher priority items. Or, important items for a custom on a pet that hasn't been started yet.

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4. Average-Mid Priority Wishes

GBCs, UFT lists 1+2, or customs available. May potentially also trade these for items off UFT list 3/HTPW, depending on the items.

Items for new customs for pets that already have a current custom, or whos custom is just lower priority than other pets. Also includes nicer alternates for items I'm using at the moment, but am still iffy about if I want to bother replacing them.

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6. Low Priority Wishes/Stuff I Like

GBCs, UFT lists 1+2 available.

I may do casual trades for these, or actively pursue trades in the future, but mostly this is just a list of items I enjoy and want to save for future reference. I'm always open to offers! I may pass if I'm just not actively wanting it at the moment, as the items vary in priority.

This list is empty.

I've traded away and wouldn't mind replacing