sarah76701's items

Neomail sarah76701 sarah76701's lookup

Items sarah76701 owns

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May be more valuable, I have more to organize from my regular TL

I will use owls value as a guide/reference. (Items that don't have an updated value will probably have to be double checked on the discord, so its a fair trade on both ends! :)

Numbers here do not always indicate the quantity or exact caps value.

"૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა

Trading Nostalgic Usuki girl Usul, Nostalgic Grey Draik 1 Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies

Please be considerate of others looking for items. :( sometimes its probably best not to put it UFT. It's totally fine not to want to part with items!! ♡♡♡

I do my best to keep this accurate and updated. feel free to check my Jellyneo trade list page though!

I don't do GBC's atm, but if that changes I will update this! *Palette-able Body Paint Mini Mystery Capsule , Retired Backgrounds Mystery Capsule, So Matcha Green Mystery Capsule **

Feel free to message me your trade list to look over though, and maybe we can make a trade ^___^

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up for trade

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Items sarah76701 wants

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NC wishlist , see description if looking for caps