nannari's items

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Items nannari owns

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I go by /~Owls but I may overvalue an item if I’m attached. Feel free to offer any trades! I’m up for 2:1 GBC on lower cap items.

Occasionally I forget to remove things and may not actually have an item. I'm so sorry if this happens but note that I will ALWAYS double-check that I have something before agreeing to a trade!!

Caps/Goodie Bags: - Friendly Feepit Gift Box Mystery Capsule - Illusens Lucky Gift Box Mystery Capsule - Whimsical Wherfy Retired Mystery Capsule - Love Letters Valentine Goodie Bag - Sparkling Snowflake Gift Box Mystery Capsule

Dye pots: - Festive Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion - Dyeworks Celebration Hue Brew Potion

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** 2:1, 3:1 GBC

I don't have a seperate list for this but essentially any non-rare or non-HTPW item is up for a 2:1 or 3:1! Please don't hesitate to ask! My SDB is so cluttered and I'll never get anything useful for these items anyway lol, I'm happy to trade them away for cheap! I will only turn you down if I reeeally think the item in question will help me trade for something on my wishlist.

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Foregrounds/FG Items

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Items nannari wants

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!! I will trade my kidney !!