alice2008126's items

Neomail alice2008126 alice2008126's lookup

Items alice2008126 owns

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1a. Notes

Just a few things before you look at my list.

Numbers indicate how many of an item I have not value. I am currently using /~owls for values (I don't necessarily value a few items the same) though I am always happy to make a value board and/or discuss values.

Neomails are always open, I am on almost daily and I always try to reply. I am in the UK (NST +8) so please give me time to respond.

However - If I haven't replied in 24 hours, I likely haven't got your mail, so feel free to mail again.

This is a new tradelist/wishlist - my side accounts may not be 100% correct - it seems that via importing it won't add items into new lists that I have in others - not sure if this is me, doing it on mobile or the site but just fyi lol.

However all wearable items I own are on this list, if you don't see it I sadly don't have it (unless stated on a board).

Updated Last ~ January 2023

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1b. Non-Wearables UFT

Non-Wearable TL ~

This list is empty.

2a. Backgrounds

This list is empty.

2b. Clothes

This list is empty.

2d. Dyeworks

This list is empty.

2e. Face Paint/Make Up/Accessories

This list is empty.

2f. Foregrounds, Garlands, etc

This list is empty.

2h. Wigs

This list is empty.

2i. New Items and Highlights

Item marked 99 are only UFT if I offer - sorry in advance!

Some of these items are a little HTPW and so may only be UFT for High Priority Wishes (however please ask in case)

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3a. Closet

Likely HTPW as either in use/use often - however if you can see this list it is open to trades for High Priority wishes

9999 - Only for trades involving Trapped in a Jar

This list is empty.

Side 1 - Chocolatemuffin4

This list is empty.

Items alice2008126 wants

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1a. High Priority Wishes

Things I'm seeking for current customisations

2:1 - Would love to find 2:1 for GBC 44 - Buyable 55 - Trade Pending 999 - Willing to overoffer

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