These are some of the ~nicer~/higher value items on the UFT list :)
This is partially to remind myself too haha
Not sorted by value or anything, please make offers not very picky I think, I know it’s small I’m working on it lol :) ~numbers are quantity~
This is the 2:1 sale section- 2 items for one GBC. 3 items for a BFGBC.
I have come across some very kind people- thank you SO MUCH for these gifts! The kindness and generosity of the NCC boards are unmatched. Never UFT
These items are my highest priority rn for current customs
This list is empty.These are items for me- I can offer items from my TL, and usually GBCs and customs :)
I would like to trade for these items for friends! :) 2- Dixiedreamer573 3- Dixiebelles 4- Crash531 5- Campestral
These are items I kinda want but I’m on the fence about - I will always prefer “For Me” wishes :)
These items go to Boxcarchildrenfan or Yolandof
This list is empty.~ lunch tray ~
Have any other food items? Lmk and I’d be happy to see if I’m interested in trading! I don’t have a full list :S