Themisfitm's items

Neomail Themisfitm Themisfitm's lookup

Items Themisfitm owns

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Highlights (also in UFT)

These are some of the ~nicer~/higher value items on the UFT list :)

This is partially to remind myself too haha

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Not sorted by value or anything, please make offers not very picky I think, I know it’s small I’m working on it lol :) ~numbers are quantity~

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The 2:1 Sale!!

This is the 2:1 sale section- 2 items for one GBC. 3 items for a BFGBC.

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Items Themisfitm wants

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1. Highest Priority

These items are my highest priority rn for current customs

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For Friends!

I would like to trade for these items for friends! :) 2- Dixiedreamer573 3- Dixiebelles 4- Crash531 5- Campestral

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For My Side

These items go to Boxcarchildrenfan or Yolandof

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Non-wearables I would like

~ lunch tray ~

Have any other food items? Lmk and I’d be happy to see if I’m interested in trading! I don’t have a full list :S

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(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.