melowierdums's items

Neomail melowierdums melowierdums's lookup

Items melowierdums owns

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0 - a brief message

neomails are always open for trades :)

always looking for medium and high priority wishes. always happy to accept gbc's and upcycle cookies!

values are based on owls plus my own judgement based on ratios/quality, but happy to discuss especially for more valuable items. numbers are otherwise quantities

Also offering: some BF GBCs for high and most medium priority wishes :)

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happy to accept custom/GBCs/Upcycle cookies/Dyepots for these

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2 GBCs

happy to accept custom/GBCs/Upcycle cookies/Dyepots for these

This list is empty.

4 GBCs

Most likely looking for item trades from my medium or high priorities for these.

May consider a combination of one of my wish list items plus custom or GBCs

This list is empty.

5 GBCs

Most likely looking for item trades from my medium or high priorities for these.

May consider a combination of one of my wish list items plus custom or GBCs

This list is empty.

7-8 GBCs

Most likely looking for item trades from my medium or high priorities for these.

May consider a combination of one of my wish list items plus custom or GBCs

This list is empty.


spooky knife and flowing robe I value at 3-4 based on ratios and posts

these are UFT and not HTPW

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unsorted values

s = quantity
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Items melowierdums wants

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Looking to find in 2:1s or 3:1s

these are somewhat commonly found on such lists so hoping to find these during a trade for 3:1 gbcs or 2:1 gbcs

This list is empty.

low priority list

This list is primarily for add-ons to even out a trade, but honestly these are very, very low priorities.

This list is empty.

medium priority wishes

This list is empty.