carolsoma's items

Neomail carolsoma carolsoma's lookup

Items carolsoma owns

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00. Info

hello! i'm Carol and I just came back from a long hiatus. I currently have a small TL which I'm working on expanding, so for trades I'm always offering buyables, GBCs, cookies and/or customs! :) feel free to NM me anytime.

I put my closet items here so I can compare with my priority wishes. They are not UFT unless specifically stated. Thanks!

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01. Highlights

all of these are HTPW, so i'm only trading for wishes :3

99 = item on a side acc, need gift boxes. any other numbers means quantity.

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02. Regular UFT

nothing I'm actually attached to lol so will mostly certain accept customs for any of these

21 = 2:1 sale

99 = item on a side acc, need gift boxes.

any other numbers means quantity.

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03. Closet

I put my closet items here so I can compare with my priority wishes. They are not UFT unless specifically stated. Thanks!

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Items carolsoma wants

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