mail me @jookss if any of these items are something you're seeking, we can try and work something out! Numbers only mean quantity, except in my high prio list.
These are the GBCs I have currently (as of 2/27/24) - BFGBC 2023 x5 - Fall Forager x1 - Haunted House x2 - Campfire Smores x2 - Dreamy Gingerbread x1 - Friendly Feepit x3 - Candy Hearts x5
Grams - Bittersweet Chocolatier Gram x3 - Night at the Fairgrounds Gram x2 - Magical Valentine Gram x2
These are items I currently need for imminent customizations on my main account. If you have any of these, I can trade anything on my UFT list or work out a GBC/cookie/something trade for them. Anything with 99 is highest prio.
really want these items for future ideas