myhineysoshiny's items

Neomail myhineysoshiny myhineysoshiny's lookup

Items myhineysoshiny owns

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1. UFT highlights


TOKENS UFT: Ghost Lupe*** Grey mynci/ Fae ruki/ Pirate cybunny/ Darigan peophin/ Mutant Hissi/ faerie Aisha/ Festive Christmas zafara/ Cocoa festive Christmas zafara/ Festive tinsel hissi/ Nostalgic tinsel cybunny / Festive cocoa cybunny / Nostalgic Christmas zafara

I use OWLS as a guideline, but my values can very depending on trade ratios and popularity. I can be flexible though :3 Mainly looking for wishes rn! However don’t be afraid to send me a neomail ^^

88= trade pending

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3. Dyeworks

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8. Contacts

Z hidden closet NOT UFT UNLESS I OFFER

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Items myhineysoshiny wants

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1. high priority (999 = most wanted)

lower priority/random things i like (not reliable for trade requests!)

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New custom

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