If I have something in my maybe HTPW section AND another UFT section it means i have a duplicate UFT basically
I'm p active and generally will respond in like 12 hours or less! Maybe even 12 minutes or even 12 seconds!! :P
I also have non-wearable items including several NC UC tokens + cakes and capsules UFT on my JN TL: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/itsme1234/319002/
Feel free to mail me about those as well!
basically anything i have that i think is worth at least 2 caps lol (OR current DW/new things!)
I like: my wishlist things, SSS/DSS, Prismatic Brushes, BF/GBCs, Dyepots, Lab Cookies, custom
numbers should reflect quantity
basically items worth more than 1 cap but that i value less than Owls value, I may put my value as the number idk yet
all my stuff UFT thats like 1-2 cap value basically :P
I like: my wishlist things, SSS/DSS, BF/GBCs, Dyepots, Lab cookies
can trade things 2:1 for GBC, 3:1 for BFGBC, or 1:1 for dyepot or Lab cookie! but tbh just mail me and im happy to work something out :)
I use these items/traded for these with the intention to use, but also I can probs part with them for the right offer!
I like: my wishlist things, SSS/DSS, BF/GBCs, Dyepots, Lab cookies
Basically a HTPW/Closet thing but also an overoffer is an overoffer looool
the base forms of New DWs
i can offer SSS/DSS/BF/GBCs for these too!
edit: out of bf/gbcs lol, low on sss/dss too lol
owls values too high for what id personally value them at haha. saving them here as a reminder!
basically either hoping to find in a 2:1, or i just like these items but with less of a priority! happy to still do trades for them!
its like a NTS but i guess i can buy any if ur selling haha