panda8810's items

Neomail pandamonium8810 pandamonium8810's lookup

Items panda8810 owns

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There is a chance that I will value some items higher than what Owls are shown. A small chance but it's more towards HTPW or Supply/Demand of an item. :)

My list contains items that I've opened from caps or simply don't vibe with! Everything on my wishlists, I keep! Unless it ends up being an extra I would like to trade <3

I keep every gift! ^_^

shhhh Sometimes I send out surprises of my extra items to others looking for them shhhh ;)

999 = Pending Trades <3

All other numbers = Quantity

Updated Feb 14

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2. Clothes NC UFT

This list is empty.

96. SALE 2:1 GBC / 4:1 BFGBCs or Dyepot 1:1

This list is empty.

Items panda8810 wants

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1. High Priority Wishes I Would Love to Have

I got plans

They're multiplyin'

I have a lot on my WL because I didn't start actively playing until July 24'. So I only have few items I love in my Closet for my pets <3

Items I currently have to trade as of Feb 14:

GBC: 0

SSS: 0


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3. Gothic/Black Items I Would Like to Have

This list is empty.

4. Cutesie Items I Would Like to Have

This list is empty.

6. Backgrounds I Would Like to Have

7. Low Priority

Not really looking atm but would like to have eventually <3

This list is empty.

8. Plushies Needed for my Gallery

Not always actively looking for these as they are just for my Gallery <3

This list is empty.