Fun stuff, new stuff, pretty stuff :3
I mostly value the items in this list 1 cap or more
Anything in this list I'd love to trade 3:1 for BFGBCs or 2:1 GBCs
I am open to other mystery capsules, dyepots & wishes as well~
These items are either currently in use/in my closet, or I'm just slightly more attached to them,
but don't be afraid to offer. Mostly sorted this way so I know where to find them!
I have the following NP wearables for sale~
I'm open to making a deal if you are able to include any of the below items in your offer for the Altador Cup Jacket!
NM me @purpleplanets to negotiate! c:
* At time of writing, JN has the jacket ~20m value and the following items at the listed value.
Items I am SEEKING for the jacket:
Any Chomby MP (~2m+)
Woodland Paint Brush (~3.5m)
Nimmo Lily Pad Foreground (~10m)
JubJub Bushes Foreground (~20m) * Will pay extra in NP in trade for this with the jacket!
+ MORE in my NP Wishlist below c:
This list is empty.Items marked 99 are highest priority! c:
I'm obsessed with filters and backgrounds and effects so I thought I'd put them all in one place~
Most of them are very casual wishes so nothing here is suuuper high priority, but I would still love to have them c:
I tend to prefer the filters/effects over the BGs in general though c:
150NC buyables I'd like to find in 2:1 sales preferably, but feel free to offer for item:item trades as well!
This list is stuff I can see myself using but its not super urgent~!
Or some replacement items I wouldn't might having again.
If I reject a fair offer, its because I don't have an immediate need for that item, so sorry~
I'd love to trade from my NP tradelist above for these - NM me at purpleplanets to work something out~