Krejdar's items

Neomail Krejdar Krejdar's lookup

Items Krejdar owns

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1. Info

Regarding BFGBC's: I personally value them at 1 like regular GBCs. Depending on the trade I may value them closer to 1.5 (to your benefit), but it's entirely item dependent

I'm ALMOST ALWAYS seeking custom. Don't be afraid to ask/offer.

I "value" my items according to ~Owls/DTI Ratios.

PLEASE look at item values (visible here, on DTI) before offering a trade. I'm not a teacher nor do I derive joy from educating and I CBF pointing out that a 1 cap item is not worth the same as a 4 cap item. Especially when you came from my DTI - so you can absolutely see values. I won't respond to these offers, and I'm sick of getting them.

I have my closet HIDDEN. Unlike others, I don't see the need in baiting people to my trade list just to see the item is never going to be traded. If its visible its ~possible~ to trade for.

Numbers = for my reference unless otherwise noted

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2. Price check on prune juice, Bob

These items I disagree with ~Owls values to an almost violent degree due to DTI seeking/uft Ratios and the absurd amount of times I've been messaged about them.

Numbers IN THIS SECTION reflect QUANTITY and MY PERSONAL values.

Example: 2034 would mean I have 2 and value the item between 3-4.

Only 1 number is Quantity as I haven't settled on a value.

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3. Highlights

Popular / High Value items that I'm not attached to.

111_ # = I have in a Gram + quantity

Any other # = for my reference

Regarding BFGBC's: I personally value them at 1 like regular GBCs. Depending on the trade I may value them closer to 1.5 (to your benefit), but it's entirely item dependent

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4. Casual UFT

Item:Item trades, Custom and GBC'S are all acceptable for these items

111_ # = I have in a Gram + quantity

Any other # = for my reference

Regarding BFGBC's: I personally value them at 1 like regular GBCs. Depending on the trade I may value them closer to 1.5 (to your benefit), but it's entirely item dependent

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2:1 Buyable (150-200nc item)

1:1 Dyepot

Numbers = for my reference to find them

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Items Krejdar wants

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1. GIMME GIMME (TOP Priority)

I want these items above all else. Mostly items needed to complete current customs.

21 = I've seen in a 2:1 sale and would like to trade for similar

55 = pending trade

3 numbers = currently buyable / cost in NC

Im ALMOST ALWAYS seeking custom. I'm NOT ALWAYS seeking BF/GBCs. I'm USUALLY tempted with D/SSS.

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3. I just think they're neat (Low Priority)

Items I find cool and may use in future customs, but not a priority at all.

21 = I've seen in a 2:1 sale and would like to trade for similar

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