redgeisha's items

Neomail redgeisha redgeisha's lookup

Items redgeisha owns

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-- Info --

📆 Last active: November 2024

On semi-hiatus. Busy for the holidays.
Lists set to public for when I make boards,
but if you mail me out of the blue, I won't complain.


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1. UFT Bigger Items

Qty = Cap value I'm seeking

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5. UFT ( 2 caps )

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6. UFT ( 1 cap )

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7. Junk Sale


One person's trash is another person's treasure?
From this section, I will trade...

- 3 items for 1 BFGBC
- 2 items for 1 Upcycle Cookie
- 1 item for 1 Dyepot or 1 Faerie Quest Cookie

Not seeking regular GBCs at this time, sorry.

I upcycle, so there shouldn't be any buyables here!

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8. [ UFT Pending ]


Items on hold.

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Items redgeisha wants

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. New / Retiring Soon .

Actively seeking before they retire. Can offer TL or BFGBCs.

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. Patiently Hunting .

Feel free to show me your WL!
May be willing to trade hidden closet items for these wishes.

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Trade Pending


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