eceltic's items

Neomail eceltic eceltic's lookup

Items eceltic owns

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1. Quick Info
^ Non-Wearables Tradelist ^

I'm on daily but sometimes I don't have a lot of time to work out trades. Please message me about anything you'd be interested in, I try my best to answer every NM. If you don't hear back from me, please message me again! Sometimes my NMs get lost in random tabs or eaten by the inbox monster.

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2. Tradelist

Numbers just let me know which side account items are on.

This list is empty.

3. 2:1 GBC Sale


2:1 GBC



1:1 FQ Cookie

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B. Closet

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Items eceltic wants

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1. Wishlist

Casually Seeking:


Upcycle Cookies

FQ Cookies


666 = Priority Wishes

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