Hello! Just a little opening segment. My TL is always open and I'm open to NMs. Feel free to drop one if youre looking to trade! My closet is on here mostly for my record. Most of the items are in use. However, it still doesnt hurt to ask because I change my outfits out a lot so it may no longer be in use!
My tokens UFT:
Royalgirl Krawk
Celebratory Anniversary Grundo
Plushie Gnorbu
Plushie Cybunny
Faerie Skeith
Faerie Quiggle
Darigan Korbat
Quiguki Boy Quiggle
These will NEVER be UFT. This is only here for personal records. Thanks to all of my friends who have gifted me! c:
These are closet items. Most are in use but feel free to offer.
Looking to trade these for big customs/main priorities or potentially BFGBCs.
Highlights are UFT! Might be picky, but feel free to offer c:
Dyeworks items UFT
Hi these are the items I have uft.
Items that I want but are expensive. Hopefully I'll have these in the near future c:
This list is empty.These are things I'm actively seeking and want asap.
I am not in a rush to get these items, but I want them for current/future customization's.
In a pending trade. Most likely dont need this anymore.