jackolantern's items

Neomail dj67_45_8 dj67_45_8's lookup

Items jackolantern owns

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D) Side Account UFT (may have no boxes, ask first!)

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HTPW / closet section. Mainly stuff that was on pets I traded away or for planned customs that didn't work out.

99 = vhtpw
77 = getting a lot of mails about these and may not be able to respond to every offer

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Heya! I'll always read and try to respond to mails when I can, but I usually only trade when I'm trying to complete a custom. Once NC UC's are out I'm open to offers involving tokens or customs :-)

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Items jackolantern wants

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A) Priority

Items for customs being actively worked on

Sometimes this list gets outdated, always open to mails about this stuff though

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C) Lower Priority Items I Like