ongnoobs's items

Neomail ongnoobs ongnoobs's lookup

Items ongnoobs owns

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I will never mail you from any account but ongnoobs, and I will never ask you to send an item to any account but ongnoobs, jesterb88, morellodelarocha, rippleinstillwater, tailslide, or jacksonion37.

I read peoples' notes on their TLs, but things occasionally slip through the cracks. I have CFS so severe I pretty much pass out sporadically all day every day, plus several conditions that cause brain fog, so it's sometimes hard to focus/remember things. I apologize if that happens.

If it's not on my TL, I don't have it. If it's not on my WL, I don't want it. ♥

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2 - Highlights

Nothing on this list is discounted or UFT for 2:1

Quantity numbers are for my reference only:
2 = ongnoobs | 3 = morellodelarocha | 4 = rippleinstillwater | 5 = tailslide | 6 = jesterb88 | 7 = jacksonion37

Custom available: No
BFGBCs available: Yes

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3a - Items on ongnoobs

Boxes: Yes
Custom: No

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3b - Items on morellodelarocha

Boxes: Yes
Custom: No

This list is empty.

3c - Items on rippleinstillwater

Boxes: Yes
Custom: No

This list is empty.

3d - Items on tailslide

Boxes: Yes
Custom: No

This list is empty.

3e - Items on jesterb88

Boxes: Yes
Custom: No

This list is empty.

Items ongnoobs wants

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And that's it!

My UFT lists ares till set to trading rather than public bc I'll still possibly trade for GBCs, deluxe training cookies, FQCs, and whatever special event is currently going on. :)

I'm generally not interested in random non-GBC caps and I'm never interested in RR caps. Thank you!

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