006jazzy's items

Neomail 006jazzy 006jazzy's lookup

Items 006jazzy owns

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0 Pry These From My Soul

I value from ~Owls // ~Waka. Online daily GMT (UK) time. If you're going to nm for trades, pls allow time for me to reply. c: Any items here are VHTPW and will only trade for specific Top Priority Items or your closet items! Some have low value but still HTPW and don't be offended if I turn down an offer. May accept customs on some. Last updated: 29/03/2024

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1. Dyeworks

This list is empty.

2. Backgrounds

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3. Foregrounds/Background Items

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5. Clothing

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Item swaps

New items obtained through mystery caps, looking for swaps!

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NC 4:1 Sale

Take this, take it all! I have zero attachment to any of this. Also, happy for upcycle cookies too! c:

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Pending Trades

Items here are held here for pending trades! c:

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Items 006jazzy wants

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