Kaymariex3's items

Neomail Kaymariex3 Kaymariex3's lookup

Items Kaymariex3 owns

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00. Trade List

Last update: TBA
still working to update the list as i just recently returned from hiatus

Slowly trying to organize/Update this;
I use /~Owls & /~Owlstwo for values.

This list is empty.

002. 2:1

2:1 GBCS or 1:1 Dyepots/Cookies (FQC/Training/Upcycle)

This list is empty.

003. 1 Cap


This list is empty.

004. Pretty things

This list is NOT uft for gbcs/custom would prefer to trade for wishes

This list is empty.

005. HTPW/Closet

These items are only uft towards wishes marked 999
99= htpw
100=gifts from nice neopians c:

This list is empty.

Items Kaymariex3 wants

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05. Casuals

Just things that i think are pretty no rush
I wouldn't mind trading for these but please don't be offended if i'd reject an offer from this list
as i currently have no customs planned for these items.

This list is empty.

05. Pre-Trades Pending

This list is empty.