hummingbird_wish's items

Neomail hummingbird_wish hummingbird_wish's lookup

Items hummingbird_wish owns

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1) Unwearable Items

This list is empty.

3) My HTPW items

I really love these items and they're hard to part with, but not necessarily impossible to trade. Mainly for my wishes.

This list is empty.

4) Backgrounds UFT

Regular Backgrounds.

This list is empty.

5) Regular trade list

Numbers = quantity, not their value.
Willing to do 2:1 GBC on most items.

This list is empty.

(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.

Items hummingbird_wish wants

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Need to replace

Gotta get these back.

This list is empty.

Wanted Foregrounds & Frames

Xcellent wearables - items I think are noteworthy

PSA Nifty items most pets can wear.
I am NOT wanting these items for myself.
I'm just trying to bring attention to them for others who may like them.

This list is empty.