yalecurling's items

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Items yalecurling owns

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Background Collection

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

Most are HTPW. 7 means I only have one copy and it's in my closet. 8 means I only have one copy and it was a gift. 9 means it was both a gift and it's in my closet. The larger the number, the less UFT it is. Other numbers indicate quantity - more likely to trade a Background if I have a spare!

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From some of the nicest people and kindest of friends. Just a consistent reminder of some of the thoughtful souls out there.

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Some higher valued or rarer items that aren't Backgrounds UFT. Unlikely to trade these for GBCs or custom. If you have any of my wishes or friends' wishes, please let me know as I have a closet I can reveal for bigger items! If you see an item here and in Gifts, it's because I have a spare

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UFT Regular, make an offer, I don't bite. Okay to do some 2:1s if it seems fair

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Items yalecurling wants

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Actively Seeking

Items I am currently actively seeking. Can offer items in my UFT, GBCs and FQCs

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Casually Seeking

Not in a hurry to acquire these... But will eventually need them for an outfit or collection

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Lowest Priority

Items that I might one day use for a future custom or that I want just because I think they look nice - mostly seeking 2:1 for the cheaper items here

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Will Probably Never Be Able to Afford These...

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