control's items

Neomail _wish_ _wish_'s lookup

Items control owns

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00. preamble


everything you see here is uft. whether or not im partial to it or seeking something a bit specific in terms of the item balance, that lies within.
please read below and dont hesistate to reach out. i try my hardest to be very kind and approachable and i appreciate the human connection as i get very little in my daily life.
if i do not respond to your neomail, please do not take it as a rude gesture, sometimes i am often too overwhelmed by the real world to get to each and every person in a timely manner. i am also not always online and take long breaks. so if fast trading is what you are after, unless i have a board up, please do not expect an immediate reply.


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01. highlights

up for trade for items in section 01 and 02 of my wishlist below.
i value these items at or above the owls value
(i take recent owls data and current trends into consideration)

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02. sale (a)

the items in this section are 2:1, some might even be 3:1 archive if i am in a good box situation.
this is organized and up to date to the best of my ability, but this list DOES get hectic sometimes so i apologize in advance if i traded something and did not move it off this list.
i will also consider 1 dyepot, training/lab/fq/upcycle cookie too ^^

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03. regular (a)

the items here i value at owls value or slightly above/on the higher end in rare situation (marked by a 77).
i will accept gbcs at full value but prefer item:item trades for things in this section.
might consider dyepots or cookies if it is an over offer.
numbers here are for reference, occasionally mean quantity owned but aren't value reference points.

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04. sale (b)

items here are the same deal as my other sale section, just separated by side accounts so i can locate them easier come trade time.
this is 90% up to date but it can get a little messy since dti wont let me import any way except manual.
since these items are on a side account, i will absolutely do gbc surprise deals - you get as many items as i get boxes out of the cap you send me !!

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Items control wants

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00. a word


thank you all lovely traders who find a way to work out a trade with me ! because of y'all, i have been able to amass my dream closet - nearly 5,000 unique nc and np item wearable. the final wishes are here, organized by perceived value at the time (monitored and occasionally adjusted for). soon this portion is aimed to be empty and my tradelist liquidated. until then, please message me if you have anything on this list uft !

i can be found lurking sales boards on the ncc or falling in love with misspells on the pc and making customs that drag me back to the ncc
oh the vicious web we weave ;)
if for some reason you cant find me, or my inbox is full (as it can get when nc trading especially during cap season) feel free to connect with me on discord ~ your local catnip dealer#4468

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02. big tickets

i value these items as high or higher than the current owl trends (i also cross reference the newest reports if the ratios seem out of whack).
in certain areas i am willing to over-offer for these items and ALWAYS happy to negotiate on the perceived value of them.
my highlights are absolute game for this section as well as gbc + custom with no box limit.

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03. regular

the list below agrees with owls/waka values for most and i am even willing to over-offer in the circumstance of a rare or htpw item.
i will consider these items if added on as filler towards a larger wish in my highlights (uft 0.1) section and will always offer items, as well as occasional custom and gbcs.

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