tinkmaskter's items

Neomail tinkmaskter tinkmaskter's lookup

Items tinkmaskter owns

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** Read First

I am open to neomails; I am friendly and do not bite so feel free to offer.

I have LOTS of GBCs to offer and I am not currently seeking any.

If you see something that is generally 2:1, I will most likely trade 2:1 or 1:1 for cookies.

Some items are HTPW and am sorry if I decline a fair offer.

Back from a long hiatus and recently imported all of my NC items and haven't had a chance to organize.

Numbers on items indicate quantity.

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Items tinkmaskter wants

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*High Priority*

Casually Seeking

Items I really like, are pretty, or that I plan on using in a future custom. NOT priority. Will offer GBC/custom for.

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NP Wishlist

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