darii_x3's items

Neomail darii_x3 darii_x3's lookup

Items darii_x3 owns

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values aren't fixed, just what it was worth at the time it was put on the list
most of the time i don't rearrange my stuff, so things might be worth more or less now

Always answering neomails

If I don't answer you in 24h, I probably didn't get it, feel free to resend

numbers indicate the account it's on
11 = darii_x3
22 = winxbloom94 (boxcount: 11 + 2 bf gbcs)
33 = daschax3 (boxcount: 0 + 10 bf gbcs)
44 = dariax3x3 (boxcount: 3 + 9 bf gbcs)
55 = bambii_qiirl (boxcount: 4 + 5 bf gbcs)

This list is empty.

0 htpw - for high priority

Whimsical Wherfy Retired Mystery Capsule
Pawfect Together Retired Mystery Capsule 2023
5x Cherry Blossom Mystery Capsule
NC Mall 16th Karaoke Birthday Mystery Capsule
8x Blossoming Witch Fall Mystery Capsule
Nostalgic Jelly Kougra
Festive Christmas Wocky

This list is empty.

1 Cap

Blue Festive Balloons Goodie Bag (25)
Bountiful Hearts Goodie Bag (25)
Bubblebee Mine Goodie Bag (145)
Candy Vampire Goodie Bag (1235)
Festive Balloons Goodie Bag (145)
Flowery Valentine Goodie Bag (35)
Ghost Melton Goodie Bag (25)
Halloween Barbat Goodie Bag (2345)
Holiday Bells Goodie Bag (2345)
Holly Tree Goodie Bag (125)
Love Letters Valentine Goodie Bag (12345)
NC Mall Fifth Birthday Goodie Bag (5)
NC Mall Sixth Birthday Goodie Bag (25)
Neopets 16th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (2345)
Neopets 22nd Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (2345)
Neopets 23rd Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (12345)
Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (12345)
Neopets 25th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (2345)
Ornament Holiday Goodie Bag (15)
Peppermint Goodie Bag (125)
Pikis Valentine Goodie Bag (125)
Polar Trousers Goodie Bag (235)
Purple Festive Balloons Goodie Bag (2345)
Second NC Mall Fifth Birthday Goodie Bag (125)
Snowman Goodie Bag (245)
Vandagyre Goodie Bag (245)

This list is empty.

1-2 Caps

7th Birthday Cake Slice #2 (1235)
Glowing Jack-o-lantern Goodie Bag (1235)
Spooky Skull Goodie Bag (1)
Valentine Bow Goodie Bag (235)

This list is empty.

Sale 2:1 GBC | 4:1 BF GBC

This list is empty.

Items darii_x3 wants

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01 high priority

dsss or sss

This list is empty.