I value my items according to current value guides. I'm willing to discount most of my regular TL for BFGBC, just ask and we can probably work something out. :)
I have hidden closet/gallery/gifts lists so anything you see are things I am willing to trade.
I'm always happy to check out your tradelist if I have something you want but you don't have anything on my wishlist!
Non-Wearables/Tokens UFT: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/vagabondrainbow/243670/
Things I like and prefer to only part with for high priority wishes. None of these are part of permie customs though so feel free to offer!
2 items for 1 GBC/RR cap/dyepot or 4 items for 1 BFGBC.
As long as I have boxes I'll happily trade these for 2:1 for cookies or any of my wishes too, or whatever else you'd like to offer. It's all buyables and stuff I never use so I'm not picky at all!
Reserved for possible trades. Might become available again if trade falls through.
Things I am actively looking for to complete customs for current permies.
I have some hidden closet items I would part with for high priority wishes, so feel free to show me your wishlist if you're trading any of these!
I have concrete plans for these but they are for future/alternate/seasonal customs I'm not actively working to complete.
I may not part with my HTPW list or customs for these, but it depends on the item so feel free to ask!
Usually looking for GBCs, dyepots, RR caps, SSS/DSSS, FQ/Upcycle/Archive/Lab cookies and event items as well.
NC items I would like for my gallery. Happy to trade both items and GBCs/caps/cookies for these, but may not part with HTPW list for them.
Things I find pretty but have no concrete custom ideas for. Mostly interested in these if they are in a sale or as fillers for bigger trades. I'm more interested in some of these than others so do feel free to offer though, especially for things on my regular/sales lists.
(Higher value items are here mostly for my own reference in case they are RRd.)
I may still be looking for these if a trade falls through.