Lunisfaerie's items

Neomail Lunisfaerie Lunisfaerie's lookup

Items Lunisfaerie owns

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. : About Page (please read!) : .

Numbers are quantity NOT value. I usually use Owls values, but tend to lean on the higher end of the value range for a lot of my items.

Please allow up to 24 hrs for a response before moving on to someone else. I live in PST (same as NST) and check my messages daily. I never miss a neomail, and will always respond. :)

Accepting GBCs, and usually Upcycle Cookies as long as I have enough boxes

I also have the following non-wearables UFT:
- Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram (x1)
- Love You Latte Valentine Goodie Bag (x1)
- Love Letters Valentine Goodie Bag (x2)
- Romantic Roses Valentine Goodie Bag (x1)
- Neopets 18th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (x1)
- Neopets 23rd Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (x2)
- Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (x3)
- Neopets 25th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (x1)
- 17th Cyberpunk Neon Birthday Cake (x2)
- Kiko Lake Fence (x1)
- Tons of Trinkets Mystery Capsule (x1)
- Trendsetter Mystery Capsule (x1)
- 25th Brilliant Birthday Mystery Capsule (x3)
- Money Tree Cupcake (x2)
- Lukewarm Left-Over Pizza
- Really Ripe Banana (x2)
- Neopia World Globe

Nostalgic Tokens UFT:
- Nostalgic Mutant Meerca Token
- Nostalgic Jelly Kougra Token


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. : Backgrounds & Backdrops : .

Accepting GBCs, Wishes, and usually Upcycle Cookies as long as I have enough boxes!

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. : Foregrounds & Frames : .

Accepting GBCs, Wishes, and usually Upcycle Cookies as long as I have enough boxes!

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. : Miscellaneous : .

Accepting GBCs, Wishes, and usually Upcycle Cookies as long as I have enough boxes!

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. : Tops, Dresses, & Outfits : .

Accepting GBCs, Wishes, and usually Upcycle Cookies as long as I have enough boxes!

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. x : Pending Trades : x .

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Items Lunisfaerie wants

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This list consists of items I need to finally complete a pet’s permanent custom! Willing to trade my HTPW section, as well as anything from my regular TL and possibly custom. :)

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. : Wishlist for My Gallery : .

(( I am also seeking the following: ))
- Usuki Doll Mystery Capsule
- Blossoming Witch Fall Mystery Capsule
- Valentine Cirrus Gift Box Mystery Capsule
- Retired Trinkets III Mystery Capsule
- Plushie Baby Cybunny token
- Adoring Valentine Aisha token
- Valentine Plushie Zafara token
- Nostalgic Tyrannian Xweetok token

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