katalysis's items

Neomail katalysis katalysis's lookup

Items katalysis owns

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01. NC UFT | The 'Spensive Stuff

Please feel free to neomail me with trade offers! I don't mind if you include me in mass-neomailing (do what ya gotta do to get those wishes!). That said, if you find another trade for the item before I reply, please do me the courtesy of letting me know that you are no longer interested. I will reply to all neomail offers, so if you don't receive a response within ~24 hours, please feel free to send your neomail again. Thanks, and may you find all the NC wishes of your dreams!

Please note that quantities are solely included for me to keep track of which items are on which accounts. For my own personal reference: 1: katalysis, 2: kationic, 3: ketones, 4: alkyne, 5: dancingxdoll

Items on this list are UFT and are valued at 5 or more caps. I am willing to trade items on this list for medium- and high-priority wishes and unlikely to trade for GBC/Cookies, but feel free to ask!

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04. NC UFT | 1-2 Cap Value

Items on this list are valued at 1-2 caps. I am willing to accept most offers for these items!

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05. NC UFT | Gram Items UFT

Items here are UFT and come from a gram. Most of these are 1-2 cap items, except for any LE bonuses that may be included.

Current Gram Count:
Bittersweet Chocolatier Sweetheart Grams: 4 (no LE, sorry!)
Magical Valentine Sweetheart Grams: 4 (no LE, sorry!)

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06. NC UFT | Buyables & Upcycles

Items on this list are either currently buyable in the NC Mall or dangerously close to being upcycled. Willing to accept most offers on these, including 1:1s for cookies, 2:1s for GBCs, and 3:1s for BFGBCs.

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07. VHTF or VHTPW | Try to Pry These From Me

Items listed here are UFT, but I am extremely picky because they are either very hard to find or very hard for me to part with. I may reject a fair trade for these items, but am much more likely to accept a trade if one or more of my priority wishes are included. (:

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Pending Trades

These are items I am in the middle of trading. These items are NOT currently UFT and will be moved back to the appropriate lists if the trade(s) fall(s) through. Note: This list is set to Public, NOT Trading.

This list is empty.

Items katalysis wants

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Actively & Eagerly Seeking! | Offering GBC, Caps, Custom!

My highest priority wishes! These are things I'm actively seeking for planned customs!

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Casually Seeking | Not Seeking at This Time, Sorry!

Medium-priority wishes. These are items I want for customs I don't have fully figured out yet and/or for pets I haven't painted yet.

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Lowest Priority Wishes | Not Seeking At This Time

These are items for pets I am not sure what to do with just yet. If I can find the items in cheap trades, I may pursue them, but otherwise, not actively seeking these.

This list is empty.

Seeking for Friends | Passively Seeking

Items I'm seeking for friends!

For personal reference: 1: Cassie (watermelon_squeeze22)

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Very Very Distant Future

These are items that I plan to possibly obtain in the very distant future, as alternatives to planned customs or just things I think I could maybe use one day. I am not at all actively seeking these items.

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Way Too Poor To Buy These

These are NP items to buy when I'm not poor.

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