private1904's items

Neomail private1904 private1904's lookup

Items private1904 owns

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0. :))

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Am open to any trades, I might be pickier on some items but still appreciate the offer!

Feel free to send me a neomail, am online often. If I didn’t reply I might have missed it, I try to get back to everyone.

I use owls as a guide but don't always follow it completely

99 = trade pending

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1. Highlights

Stuff I think that is prob cooler than the rest of my list, and not HTPW

Will prob trade for first priority or htf wishes, but also open to combination of many smaller items!

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5. Obtained (not UFT)

For my own tracking ;))

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Items private1904 wants

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1. First priority

Willing to look at a combination of SSS/gbcs/customs/TL depending on the item.

Some of them are kind of expensive so not super desperate to obtain them immediately :,)

Also seeking hissi pet styles: mutant, plushie, halloween, grey, ghost, prismatics

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4. Low Priority

NOT really actively looking for these, they will prob be filler or will only consider if I see them at sales

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6. Friend's WL

Offering stuff on my own TL for these :)

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