paultheslime's items

Neomail theskywitch theskywitch's lookup

Items paultheslime owns

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• If I don't respond its most likely because neomail is buggy for me sometimes
• I can do customs for certain items off of my wishlist. Please inquire if you're interested.

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High Priority UFT/My Closet [NC]

I'm extremely picky with the items on this list as they are from my personal closet.
You can only offer items off of my "1. Highest Priority Wishlist [NC]" for items within this list.

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Regular UFT List [NC]

I also have these token for trade: Nostalgic Plushie Kyrii and Nostalgic Robot Scorchio.
I mainly trade my extras/duplicates + items I get from capsules I don't want lol.
My main UFT list is on Jellyneo atm:

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Items paultheslime wants

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2. Regular Wishlist [NC]

555 = pending in a trade
I'm also searching for the following tokens: Nostalgic Royalgirl Aisha, Nostalgic Royalgirl Grarrl, Nostalgic Royalgirl Lupe, Nostalgic Royalgirl Quiggle, Nostalgic Royalgirl Zafara

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3. Low Priority Wishlist [NC]

I'm not actively trading for these items, but would be nice to have.

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Dress to Impress
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