esseker's items

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Items esseker owns

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An Introduction

Hello, my name is Esseker.

Feel free to Neomail me should any of my items interest you. There are a lot of items I haven't even seen, I do love scary/spooky/Halloween themed items. If you think you have something not on my Wishlist but fits this description feel free to offer, I might be pleasantly surprised.

I am also looking for Retired Fall-ing Cherry Blossoms Mystery Capsules for my items.

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NC for Trade

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Items esseker wants

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These are items I have plans for, but I am patient for.

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3rd - Casual

These are items I haven't found a purpose for yet, and consider them the bottom of my list.

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Hespin is my pet cat, he is orange and I often call him my sunflower, for he loves to soak up the sunshine. He is a senior, fast approaching super senior. He loves being the center of attention when in a crowd and he is my very best friend. These are items I hope to obtain but am in no rush for.

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