widge's items

Neomail Widgewoo Widgewoo's lookup

Items widge owns

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I will only trade these for items on my obsessively seeking wishlist.

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SALE: 2:1

2:1 GBC/Grams/WL sale

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UFT - Updated Feb 25

Tokens UFT: - Faerie Xweetok - RG Aisha

Items UFT: - Romantic Roses Valentine Goodie Bag - Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag - Neopets 25th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag - Cutie Pie Weewoo Gift Box Mystery Capsule (BFGBC) - Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion

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Items widge wants

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Not obsessively seeking wishlist

Just items I'd like to own - I'm not in any rush for them. Please don't be offended if I don't accept a trade with items on this list.

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x Neopoint wishlist x


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