Mivake's items

Neomail 01_baby_girl_ 01_baby_girl_'s lookup

Items Mivake owns

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0.0 Introduction

You've reached 01_baby_girl_'s closet.

None of these are UFT. Please don't ask for any of them.
They are my most treasured pixels! <3

My trade list is here. : )

Tokens are under 8.0.

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1.0 Backgrounds

All of my lovely backgrounds.

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2.1 Clothes: Shirts, Jackets, Trousers, Skirts & Dresses

The tops, the bottoms, the layers.

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2.2 Clothes: Wigs & Hats

Gettin' wiggy with it. And hats.

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2.3 Clothes: Belts, Collars, Gloves, & Shoes

Clothing accessories & the footwear.

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3.1 Accessories: Necklaces, Bracelets, & Earrings

Diamonds Jewelry is a girl's best friend. : )

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3.3 Accessories: Makeup, Markings, Face Paints, Body Paints, & Contacts

Grab a brush and put a little makeup.

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3.4 Accessories: Backpacks, Handhelds, & Thought Bubbles

Things you hold or carry for 1000, Alex.

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4.0 Effects: Bio & Filters

Like snapchat for neopets. Make me glow!

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5.1 FG/BG: Foreground

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5.2 FG/BG: Higher Foreground

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5.3 FG/BG: Lower Foreground

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5.4 FG/BG: Background

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6.1 Specialized Customization: Baby

Babies need clothes, too! Particularly Gelirah and Azrivake.

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6.2 Specialized Customization: Maraquan

For my ocean friends: Otlu and Zedrias!

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6.3 Specialized Customization: Mutant

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7.0 Gifts

I actually got a gift from someone! <3

sassygirl421877 - Baby Bunny Ears Shoes
One of my bestest neo and RL friends! <3

marshallmatherslp2 - Cherry Blossom Bridge
My very first gift!

elaini_82 - Limited Edition- Holiday String Lights Wig + Beautiful Glowing Wings
I owe them the world's biggest favor!

hircines - Window with Twinkling Lights Background Item.
I hope you feel better soon, Ayrenn, you can call me "spidey-Camille" anytime! : P

sweetie_purple16 - Baby Rosy Cheeks.
Best Christmas present 2021!!!

waybackwhen_2000 - Victorian Wintery Bridge Background
Sometimes I don't know what I deserve for such great NCC friends. D:

amore_j - Cherub Wings
A gift exchange for Gothic Snowbunny Ears Headband <3

nikalee1 - Shiny Clover Shower
A gift when K was feeling real low. :3

nauseacrusty138 - DW Green: Lifeless Mutant Contacts
Unexpected gift from a really super amazing person and neofriend!

scaramousshe - Fantastical Marshmallow Background
Left me speechless with this amazing present. I'm so thankful for my neo community. <3

maneatingtigerman - 25th Anniversary Silver Star Wings
Kind strangers are out there!

keeeeeert - MME4-B1: Sparkling Snow Background
I was just going to give up hope on this item!! Thank you! <3

You can never ever have!! >O

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8.0 Paint Brush Clothes + Species Specific Items

Nostalgic Styles

Aisha: Adoring Valentine
Bori: Faerie | Plushie Baby
Draik: Darigan | Faerie | Grey | Mutant | Adoring Valentine
Flotsam: RoyalBoy | RoyalGirl
Kau: Faerie
Kougra: Baby | Plushie Baby
Kyrii: RoyalGirl
Uni: Baby | Grey | Plushie Baby

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9.1 Random: New Stuff

Newer items I don't know what to do with.
I don't see myself needing them.

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9.3 Random: UFT

I need to put these UFT.

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Items Mivake wants

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1.0 Random

Just toss stuff here for later that I don't want on my regular list.

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