stuff i dont want
146 Gift boxes on main
6 BFGBC on main
Okay w GBC trades IF i have any or if u want to offer them
non-wearable items uft;
I would also be interested in those old expression caps
anything with the number 22 means i'm even more picky with these items!
222 means I really REALLY don't want to get rid of it but probably will if it's part of a trade for a priority that's harder to find (like that ballpit). also more willing to trade away for bigger parts of customs like bg's and stuff
Other numbers are just # of items
weirdly picky w my octopus bc they are gay and in love
Items on my side cassylion
(3 gift boxes)
On all sides:
22 = slightly hard to part with
222 = hard to part with bc i like it and im stubborn
(0 gift boxes)
On all sides:
22 = slightly hard to part with
222 = hard to part with bc i like it and im stubborn
(5 gift box )
On all sides:
22 = slightly hard to part with
222 = hard to part with bc i like it and im stubborn
(1 gift boxes)
On all sides:
22 = slightly hard to part with
222 = hard to part with bc i like it and im stubborn
These are things I do not want at all, overtime i'll either donate them or trade for almost anything else you could give me
These things are stuff i need for my pets customs and need urgently.
333 = need this very bad i would trade you my limbs for it